November 18, 2008

Self Portrait By Caitlin Carver

This picture represents everything that I see when I look at myself. I see myself through a mirror, whatever the mirror is telling me is what I see. The bright colors around me represent the navie tendencies I have. I believe that no matter how bad people are that everyone has good intentions, everyone is good at heart and jsut does bad things. This usually comes back to slap me in the face, but I love being optimistist about other people.
On the other hand, it not what I see in myself. I beleive that I am dull and thatI have nothing good to offer. When i get sad I immediately go back to the girl I was in 7th grade that always got made fun of becaue I was not smart enough, skinny enough, of pretty enough. I also do not pay attention to my face when I am looking at myself. I only see my body and base my day on the weigh my body looks. That is why my face is pixiled, because to me, my face is not what makes or breaks my day.
My picture does not show all of me, because when I look at myself, I do not believe that no one will ever see all of me, so this represents a part of me that one will ever know

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