August 30, 2008

Global Warming (Nicholas Williams)

The topic for my diorama was Global Warming. I chose to do Global Warming because I feel it is important for everyone to be aware of the dangers that we as humans pose to the Earth. It is also critically important for everybody to do as much as they can to help preserve the only home that we have. If things don't change, the results could be catastrophic for us, our children, and for generations on.
My project was made with a shoe box, acrylic paints, a styrofoam ball, some rocks and twigs, and a cotton ball. 

~ Nicholas E. Williams I

August 29, 2008

Oil Spills(pollution) in the ocean by Calitlin Carver

I did mine on the oil spills that occur the in ocean and how 1000's and 1000's of animals die from them. Some populations have even become endangered from the oil spills. I put penguins in mine to show how drastic they can be. The penguins swim through the water not being able to see because of the oil, but that is not the deadly part. The deadly part is when the penguins begin to clean themselves and start to eat the oil from their skin while they attempt to clean themselves. The oils gets into their digestive systems and eventually kills them. Much like all the other ocean animals, they digest the oil and its over with. I feel strongly about this because animals and wildlife should not be endangered and killed over human neglegance.

-- Caitlin Carver

August 28, 2008

shoe box project

I did my shoe box on water conservation. I believe this should be given a great deal of attention for many reasons. One is because of the predicament we are in now with water shortages, it is not going to get any better. I understand the importance because my house is run off of a well, therefore we have to do a lot of conserving to make sure our well does not go dry. My box includes saving gutter water, only washing full loads of dishes/laundry, using mulch, and fixing leaky faucets.

Amanda Gordy

Domestic Violence

About 1.3 million women and 835,000 men are physically assaulted by an intimate partner annually in the United States. Out of men and women, the woman are more likely to be the victims of sexual violence. Nearly one-third of American women (31 percent) report being physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives.I believe that domestic violence is a very important issue in the world. The reason for me choosing this topic is because of the abuse of my mother from my father.

Underground Railroad

My diorama illustrates the historic Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was an organized attempt to help African Americans/slaves gain their freedom. Caucasions would welcome slaves into the homes to rest on their long journey to the north. They also allowed African Americans to hide in secret chambers in their house or underground tunnels to escape from slave holders. Eventually African Americans could travel to the north and gain their freedom. My issue shows that different races can come together for the better good, something we need today. Also there is positivity during slavey era and not just the usual depressing stuff.
......Jeshua Gates

Genocide in Darfur By: Melissa Money

The genocide in Darfur has claimed 400,000 lives and displaced over 2,500,000 people. More than one hundred people continue to die each day; five thousand die every month. This diorama represents the millions of people who suffer in Darfur. On the inside there is a woman who has lost everything. The outside contains pictures of the Darfurian people's struggle."


Ok so here is my Diorama! The issue that I chose was recycling (if you cant tell). The top of the diorama(far left) is the recycling symbol that I made 3D. The inside(middle) is a little home set up. I covered the house in newspaper along with the car with tires made out of bottle caps. This was supposed to represent the fact that what we recycle can be reused to make something else. the back and sides of the diorama are covered with some cute recycling pictures and the phrase "reduce reuse recycle".
Hope you like it!
~Emily Moore

August 24, 2008

History Remix (by Cailtin Carver)

The second floor of the Wieland Wing was something to behold. Growing up I was never really taught about racism in school. I got taught the bare minimum of civil rights. I cannot say it was where I was from, but most would probably argue that. When you first walk in on the wall, the picture that is on top of the page is there. After seeing that I truly did not know what to expect. As soon as I walked in, there were jsut picture after picture of the civil rights movement. Picutes of the KKK with buring crosses and black people getting beat and picutes of death. Needless to say, since I did not know basically anything about this I was shocked, very shocked. A couple of pictures really got to me. Especially a certain church that got burned down in the 60's just 20 miles from where I grew up. It shocked me because to think that this happened right where I grew up. There was also documnents that were recorded. In this room, it was just a little piece of history that made a huge impact on everyone's life and it is still going on today. It is a neverending struggle.

As you walk into the Comtemporary Arts side after 1968 in it truly a sight to behold. From top to bottom on all 4 sides of the wall, there is jsut picture after picture of blacks and blacks and whites coming togethter and holding hands and sitting side by side. It really was capitaviting to see. Sitting in the middle room seeing all of these was specticular, especially for me.

Coming to college and getting out of my small town I have grew up and learned alot. IN my small town I truly only grew up around about 5 black people and a few were only half, but there was, in most parts, still hatred and hostiatily towards people of a different race. I never had that mentiality becasue I played sports and they were my friends, but to come to college and see how other people lived and seeing that the struggle is still there for different races to become accepted is a huge issue. I got an inside view, if only for a moment, of what it was like to be black in the 60's, and I took alot away from my time on the second floor of the Wieland Wing at the High Musuem.

-------Cailtin Carver

August 19, 2008

We are team 7

Hello All!!!!
We are team seven!
I have listed our names and email addresses if anyone needs to get in contact with anyone.

~ Caitlin Carver--
~ Nicholas Williams--
~ Jeshua Gates--
~ Amanda Gordy--
~ Emily Moore--
~ Melissa Money--
~ Jaime Grant--
~ Nadia Thompson--
~ John Madgett--