November 25, 2008

Artist Interview (Gates)

J. Scott
1. What sparked you interest in art?

2. When did you start experimenting with art?

3. What type of artist would you call yourself?

4. Do you have any training?

5. How do you create your art?

6. Who is your favorite artist?

7. What is your favorite movement/style/kind of art?

8. What influences your artwork?

9. Do you experiment with different forms of art?

10. What is your favorite piece of art?

11. Would you work with any material outside the norm?
If so what would it be?

12. Would you construct a mural?
If so of who or what?
- Answers-
1. The calmness of art sparked an interest for me. I find peace of mind in doing art.

2. I started experimenting with art when I was about 3 or 4 years old. I would visit with my father and draw when I was around him.

3. I would call myself a cartoonist. Although I have a bit of a range in art, I was always a cartoonist at heart.

4. I do have some training. I had 2 years of commercial art in high school. Nothing beyond that.

5. Sometimes I create art by request. Most times I have an idea and start sketching a basic pencil outline.

6. My favorite artist. Wow. I have a few. Without thinking about it, Charles Schultz. Jim Davis is another. And me.

7. I like anything with color. But sometimes black and white is just enough. I love graffiti. It speaks out loud. There are so many styles from basic "tagging" to pieces that are so entwined and colorful that you would need the person who created it to figure out what it says and means.

8. Humor influences my artwork. Truth also influences my artwork. So do other artists work.

9. Every now and then I do a portrait. They're really time consuming. No painting. Not in a long time. Most of the stuff I've been doing lately has all been touched up on a computer. I would like to do some artwork with wood. My 6th grade art teacher showed us how to make wooden portraits. We used different textured staining to add effect. Mr. Graves class. He was awesome.

10. My favorite piece of art is whatever I'm working on at the time.

11. I would like to do some paper mache stuff. Maybe fool around with some stained glass art. That would be hot.

12. If I constructed a mural it would be adults of all races and working classes holding hands with proud looks on there faces. I hate the racial barriers that continue to go on in this world. The reason the people would be adults in the mural is because children learn from their parents who are most of the time adults. It's an image that should be shown and taught to all children. Unity of all races. We are one.

November 20, 2008

Self-Portrait-Amanda Gordy

This is my self-portrait taken in front of the sign in Senoia, that I decided to draw because I liked the picture.

November 18, 2008

Nadia's Self Portrait

My self portrait is basically a collage of everything that represents me. Im half jamaican which explains why i have the jamaican flag in the middle of the collage. I love gold jewelry. I am a Gemini and im from connecticut. My collage shows some of my favorite things as well. There is also a picture of one of my tattoos. Im just real girly and like girly and glamourous things.

For my self-portrait, I first took a picture of myself with a camera. After I printed out the picture in black and white, I colored over it with oil pastels. The blues and reds represent cool colors, which signifies that I am a laid-back person who is flexible in most of my decisions in life.

Self Portrait By Caitlin Carver

This picture represents everything that I see when I look at myself. I see myself through a mirror, whatever the mirror is telling me is what I see. The bright colors around me represent the navie tendencies I have. I believe that no matter how bad people are that everyone has good intentions, everyone is good at heart and jsut does bad things. This usually comes back to slap me in the face, but I love being optimistist about other people.
On the other hand, it not what I see in myself. I beleive that I am dull and thatI have nothing good to offer. When i get sad I immediately go back to the girl I was in 7th grade that always got made fun of becaue I was not smart enough, skinny enough, of pretty enough. I also do not pay attention to my face when I am looking at myself. I only see my body and base my day on the weigh my body looks. That is why my face is pixiled, because to me, my face is not what makes or breaks my day.
My picture does not show all of me, because when I look at myself, I do not believe that no one will ever see all of me, so this represents a part of me that one will ever know

Self Portrait (Nicholas Williams)

I chose a picture of myself taking a picture as my self portrait. This picture represents everything that I strive for in life. I love photography and everything that it embodies, and I feel like a picture of me doing what I love is the only way to represent myself.
This was originally just a regular black and white picture, but then I photoshopped it to make it look somewhat like a painted collage.

Public Art and Architecture (Amanda Gordy)

Public Art By: Melissa Money

Self-portrait (Jaime Grant)

I view myself as a very passionate person. My Heart of art includes everything I have passion for, which entails My beautiful daughters, the love of my life, My Christianity, I enjoy writing poetry, and I have a passion for nature as well, whether it is Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter. I enjoy looking at scenery during all these seasons. I would be delighted to own a house in the mountains during Fall/Winter and a house on the beach for Spring/Summer. Landscaping of nature is beautiful in itself..............

Architecture (Jaime Grant)

This house is located in Douglas County, off of the road I live on. I find the house to be very unique with a Spanish style. It is on a huge bed of land with an extroadinary pond. I don't think it belongs in the area I live in due to the depth of land and style of housing it presents. Regardless of the location of the house, it brings delight to our area during the Holidays.

self portrait

I chose a bottle that resembles a fish bowl to represent my life. The world to me is a fish bowl and the older and bigger you get the smaller it gets. I want to consume so much that my life is just filled with everything and anything. I put water in the bottle because I can relate to it. Water is a free flowing substance that can go any where but is confined to one area and can not show its true qualities. It is also beneficial as well as harmful. Then the pictures around the bottle represent things that I love and show that I do not like to be labeled. This is why I used pictures instead of words. The picture is in black and white because im like that with people; either I like you or I done

Self Portraits

November 16, 2008

Self Portrait (Emily Moore)

This is my (Emily Moore) self portrait. I decided to draw a picture of myself when i was younger. The reason for this is that i always like to remember my childhood. So, i thought it would be nice to draw that. Also, the reason for the background is that when you look back on you childhood you remember certain things while others are just a blur. Therefore i made the photo of myself visible and the background pixelated to represent the things that we do and do not remember about our childhood

Public Art

Architecture ( Gates )

November 13, 2008

Nadia Thompson....Beauty of Nature

In the first picture i like how the trees are burgundy and then tree on the right has a little bit of green at the bottom.The light hitting the tree really brings out the color of the trees.
The second picture I took really stood out to me as well. The color of the yellowish leaves is being hit by the sunlight coming through the trees. I like how the light is right in the middle of the tree.

The Beauty of Nature

Melissa Money

The Beauty of Nature : John Madgett II

I chose this tree in between the UCC and the Campus Center because of the brightness of the colors of the leaves. It stands out dramatically because of the nuetral tan and green hues surrounding the burgundy reddish orange tint to the leaves on the tree.

November 6, 2008

Graffiti by John Madgett

This piece of graffitti found in little 5 points is a very interesting portraits of the urban people which i think is of the inhabitants of this particular area. It is very personalized in the styling of the artwork in the spray strokes of the spraypaint.

Nadia's Graffiti

To me graffiti is a an interesting type of art. I like how the artist express themselves whether it be on paper, sidewalks, or even walls. The best thing about graffiti artist is that they really dont have any experience. Graffiti artist create things that maybe going on in the world, something that might be going on in their life, or even religious drawings. Like the drawing of the graffiti on the side, that says Amen. They also use vivid colors in their pieces, that capture your attention.

Graffiti by Melissa Money

The problem with graffiti art is the question of whether it's really art, or just plain vandalism. Some graffiti is simply a monochrome collection of letters, known as a tag, with little artistic merit. Although tagging is the most common type of graffiti, there are bigger, more accomplished examples that appear on larger spaces, such as walls. These are often multicolored and complex in design, and so start to push the boundary of whether they should really be defined as graffiti art, like the picture to the left for example (found in down town Atlanta). I believe graffiti is an art form because it is a product of human expression. If it wasn't for the fact that most graffiti is placed on private property without the owner's permission, then it might be more recognized as a legitimate form of art.

Graffiti (Nicholas Williams)

I found this particular set of grafitti in Carrollton, GA on the side of a train. I find it to be very creativly done and thought provoking. To me graffiti is an art form, and not just art, but a very intricate form of art. It takes a great deal of time, effort, and creativity to be able to make it. Even though most graffiti artists do not have formal training, what they do is often more inspired than what a trained artisit would come up with.