August 29, 2008

Oil Spills(pollution) in the ocean by Calitlin Carver

I did mine on the oil spills that occur the in ocean and how 1000's and 1000's of animals die from them. Some populations have even become endangered from the oil spills. I put penguins in mine to show how drastic they can be. The penguins swim through the water not being able to see because of the oil, but that is not the deadly part. The deadly part is when the penguins begin to clean themselves and start to eat the oil from their skin while they attempt to clean themselves. The oils gets into their digestive systems and eventually kills them. Much like all the other ocean animals, they digest the oil and its over with. I feel strongly about this because animals and wildlife should not be endangered and killed over human neglegance.

-- Caitlin Carver

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