The History Remixed exhibit was the most memorable part of my visit to the High Museum. It takes you through a timeline of Civil Rights Movement during the 1960's in America. To me, it shows the despair of blacks and necessity for social reform. As I walked through and observed the pictures and letters, pamphlets and posters and such, it showed me how intensely real the whole Movement was. Most of the pictures they had on display I had already seen, but there were others that I had not and those were the ones that gave me an overwhelming feeling. At one point I actually had to walk out and to get some air because I started to feel like I was being suffocated. The immense amount of violence, and the unnecessary casualties caught on film became too much for me to handle. If the exhibit had not already left the museum, I would suggest you to see it for yourself. I would not say that it changed the way I felt about that time period, but it made me open my eyes a little bit more to the realities of it.
~Nicholas E. Williams I
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